Reporting in cloud telephony

The report is a feature which is automatically generated by us for the consumer in this section, one can check all the information which are related to the statistics which is important for the usage and maintaining of the flow of the whole working.
Reporting also provides real-time notification regarding the service that is Cloud Call Centre.
Cloud call centre analytics feature is provided by a lot of organisations.
The reporting feature is always helpful and useful.

Use case

The report is a feature is used by the user to check all the information when a user wants to see the statics or the analytics which includes call reports, calling information data which is needed.

For example, one has subscribed to the bulk voice call service which is related to a political campaign then the party can have a track record for the reports in which there will be information regarding the call which was landed and is picked by the user or not or it went to which sector.

How to use

This service can be used from the panel or dashboard then you need to go to reports section where one can find the reports of the working of call centre and what are the needed information which is related to the reports.

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